Our newest granddaughter was born on December 26, 2007. Her birth weight was 6lbs 13 oz and she was 19 inches long. Her name is Cassandra Janelle Tait, and Daniel and Kim will be calling her Cassie. Who knows what others in little Cassies life will call her. I've heard the nick name of C.J. and her actual given name. We will see. I will be calling her Cassie or sweety pie.
Kim is doing very well after her c-section, and Daniel a is very, very proud daddy. Alden's first reaction to seeing his sister was to hide in Grammy's shoulder. However, after only a few minutes of meeting her, he wanted to touch her eyes, and borrow her new hat. Kisses were given to his sister's little head, and he had a big smile on his face.
I will attempt at sending pictures to this blog, to let anyone see some of the pictures from here birthday which was yesterday at 7:46am est.
She sure is a cutie. Your kids just can't stop having kids. -ST
Beautiful. Thanks for keeping us posted. I didn't know Janelle was there. Was Ken there??
She's perfect. ~KT
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