Monday, January 14, 2008

A few years ago in Hermosa Beach on Valley Drive there were some very special people who were loved to pieces by parents and grandparents. From left to right the precious children were...
Daniel, Jason, Stephen, Andrew, Justin and Cassandra.

Notice the couch below the little one's legs. That couch is now at 11197 North Meridian Road.


SRT and LST said...

I like this picture, too. It reminds me of the 1980s.

Anonymous said...

I loved going to grandma's house..... tortilla's with butter, a pool, snails, the beach.... great fun

SRT and LST said...

Is that why tortillas with butter were so popular growing up? Grandma Donnelly is the root cause of that tradition?

I never knew.

But they sure were a good after-school snack. I especially liked when I cooked them too long in the microwave and part of it would bubble up like the crust of pizza sometimes does.


Anonymous said...

I remember Mom cooking those little preshaped sausages by farmer johns that were like 50 cents a package, she would grill them up with onions and peppers, and put them on toasted, buttered english muffins. Mmmmmmm I used to love coming home from school and having that.